Taking a job in France? Get started with our relocation guide

Our relocation guide for professional transfers will help you find the best solutions for your move and finding the ideal temporary accommodation.
Professional relocation guide: A father and his two children using the computer

Has your company offered you a job in France? Will you need accommodation for an extended period? Our relocation guide for professional transfers will help you find the best solutions for organizing your move quickly and, above all, finding the ideal temporary accommodation. Here are the steps to finding furnished apartments during a professional transfer in the best possible conditions.

Giving notice of your professional transfer

If you’re planning to move for a job transfer or a relocation, it is essential to terminate your current rented accommodation, respecting a notice period based on your situation. For unfurnished rentals, the standard notice period is typically 3 months, this can be reduced to 1 month in popular areas or in the event of a professional transfer. For furnished tenancies, the notice period is uniformly set at 1 month, regardless of the tenant’s circumstances. 

It’s good to note that there is no minimum distance requirement from your new place of work to qualify for the shorter notice period during professional transfers. You can take advantage of this benefit by simply mentioning the reason for your departure in the termination letter and providing documentary evidence, such as a certificate of transfer signed by your employer.

The notice period begins on the date your landlord receives your notice, and you are obligated to pay rent until its conclusion, unless the property is occupied by another tenant before that time.

Important to remember: a change of employer or company headquarters is not considered an acceptable reason for a professional transfer or relocation.

How to find accommodation in France

Take stock of your needs

Before you start searching for the right accommodation during a professional transfer or relocation, you will need to assess your specific requirements. Several factors should be taken into account, including:

  • Geographical location, such as the city or inner suburbs
  • Proximity to schools or workplace
  • Availability of transportation links
  • Quality of the neighborhood and its amenities
  • Environmental considerations
  • Attributes of the apartment itself, including the number of rooms, facilities, exterior features, and more.
  • Rent considerations

Once you carefully consider these aspects, you can align your housing needs with the demands of your professional transfer or relocation, and find the perfect apartment for you.

See if a Mobility Lease is right for you

The “Mobility Lease” is a contract specially designed for highly mobile people in France, such as professionals on the move, expats and students. It’s a furnished rental contract for 1 to 10 months that doesn’t require you to pay a deposit. 

It’s ideal for finding a furnished apartment before you buy a place in your new city, or while you’re waiting to move back to your previous place of work! The Mobility Lease helps you to find accommodation while you’re on a professional transfer, with a great deal of flexibility in the rental terms and conditions.

Good to know: This type of lease is non-renewable, with a few exceptions. It can be signed for a maximum of 10 months and renewal is only possible within the limit of these 10 months and only once.

Find out what financial assistance is available

Financial aid may be available to finance your new home when you transfer for work: 

Mobili-Pass benefit: funding for moving expenses for professional transfers. The amount varies between €3,000 and €3,500 depending on the region to which you are moving.

The Loca-Pass advance: financing of the security deposit.

Aides Personnelles au Logement (APL): financial assistance to reduce your rent.

Action Logement: temporary accommodation that can be mobilized quickly for employees of a non-agricultural private sector company with 10 employees or less.

Get help from a relocation expert

With a relocation agency, you surround yourself with experts who help expats, employees, jobseekers, students, and those on work-study programs, find accommodation close to their place of work. Moving for work is no longer an obstacle to your career or your mobility.

Wunderflats will help you find a home

Wunderflats offers you a wide selection of properties according to your criteria, puts together your tenant file and takes care of the administrative management. We help you: 

  • save time, as you don’t need to visit apartments in a distant town or region
  • find the right apartment without spending hours browsing property listings 
  • delegate the property search
  • delegate a large part of the rental process, always as part of a secure, personalized service

If you’re getting ready to move for work, contact us to find your ideal home quickly: all you have to do is put down your suitcases and get ready for your first day at work!

Finding housing for professional relocation: what you need to remember

How much notice should I give if I’m relocating for a job transfer?

If you’re transitioning to a new job, you may be eligible for a shorter notice period of 1 month. However, it is essential to provide evidence of your transfer, such as a certificate from your employer, when submitting your lease termination letter to your landlord. By including the necessary documentation, you can take advantage of the reduced notice period and ensure a smoother transition during your professional transfer or relocation.

What proof do I need for a transfer?

Attach a certificate of transfer signed by your HR department or the legal representative of your company to your letter of termination of lease for a professional transfer.

How do I apply for a social housing transfer?

If you are currently living in social housing, you can apply for a transfer and find another social housing property through your branch or online (in French).

How do I find a home?

We hope you’ve found our relocation guide helpful. It can be difficult to find accommodation before a professional transfer, not only because you’re not on the spot, but above all because you also have to organize your departure and that already requires a lot of time and energy. Wunderflats makes it easy for you: we select quality furnished properties for you and your family for mid-term rentals. That way, you’ll have the time and mental space to calmly find the rare gem that will welcome your family! Click here to get started.


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