Mortgage Calculator for French Apartments: The Ultimate Buyers Guide

Free mortgage calculators offer a comprehensive view of various mortgage scenarios, allowing you to make informed choices with ease. Not only are they user-friendly, but they also demystify the complexities of French mortgages, providing straightforward and reliable outputs.
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France has a secure and regulated mortgage environment. If you’re considering buying property in France, you’ll notice that the mortgage system here has unique features and regulations. While this can be a good thing for keeping the property market stable, it does mean that there are some details you’ll need to be aware of to make informed decisions.

Main Types of Mortgages in France

In France, a few primary mortgage types cater to a diverse set of needs.

Fixed-Rate Mortgages (Prêt à taux fixe)

Many people gravitate towards fixed-rate mortgages. With this option, the interest rate stays the same for the entire mortgage duration, making it much easier for homeowners to budget and plan their finances without worrying about sudden changes in interest rates.

You should consider fixed-rate mortgages in France because they often fix the rate for the entire loan duration, up to 25 years.

Variable-Rate Mortgages (Prêt à taux variable)

So, regarding this type of interest rate, it’s worth remembering that it can change depending on market conditions. While it may start lower than fixed rates, there is a chance that it could increase in the future, which can be a bit unpredictable.

Variable-rate mortgages can change either every three or 12 months. This decision typically occurs before finalizing the loan and can impact the duration of your monthly payments. But the good news is that with a variable rate, you usually won’t face any penalties for paying off your mortgage early, whether partial or complete.

Interest-Only Mortgages (Prêt in fine)

These mortgages are outstanding for investors who want flexibility in their payments. You can pay only the interest for a set period and then the principal amount at the end of the term. This way, you can better manage your finances and have more control over your budget.

Capped Rate Mortgages

Capped-rate mortgages are attractive because the variable rates are currently historically low.

Capital Repayment Mortgages

Banks in France primarily offer a type of loan called a capital repayment mortgage. This means that you start paying back both the amount borrowed and the interest from the beginning of your loan.

Terms and Rates

In France, mortgages typically last 15 to 25 years; however, you can negotiate shorter or longer terms based on your profile and the lender’s criteria.

Note: When considering taking out a loan, knowing that the advertised rates might not be the only costs involved is essential. Sometimes lenders add extra fees or insurance requirements that can affect the overall interest rate you pay.

To get a more accurate picture of the total cost of the loan, you should always check out the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) or  .” ” This rate considers all the relevant costs and gives you a clearer idea of what you’ll pay overall.

Requirements for Residents and Non-Residents

When you’re ready to buy a home and apply for a mortgage, you must show that you have a stable income and can make a minimum deposit. French lenders want to see that you can comfortably afford your monthly mortgage payments, so it’s crucial to prove your financial stability.

You must provide at least three years of audited accounts to show a consistent income if you’re self-employed.

If you plan to obtain a mortgage in France, it’s essential to know that French mortgage lenders cater to residents and non-residents. The good news is that foreign buyers can also access credit from French banks.

If you want a home loan in France as a non-EU national, you might be looking at a rate between 50% and 75%. That’s lower than the usual offer of loans ranging from 70% to 85% that French banks and mortgage lenders offer citizens and permanent residents. But if you are a French citizen or permanent resident, you may be able to borrow up to 100% of the property’s value.

Your income is vital in determining how much money you can borrow. In France, lenders must follow some legal requirements, which means that your total monthly expenses (including mortgages and insurance) should not exceed 35% of your gross monthly household income.

Also, when considering your income, lenders take into account a variety of sources, such as your salary, business income, pension income, rental income from other properties, dividends (if you have a three-year track record), and other regular investment income.

Mortgage calculators

You can use free mortgage calculators to get an idea about your home loan.

The mortgage calculators are designed to make your financial decisions easier. They give you a comprehensive view of different mortgage scenarios to confidently make an informed decision. This tool is super easy to use and takes the complexity out of French mortgages. You’ll love how straightforward and reliable the outputs are.

French Mortgage calculations vary between the lenders. Different banks may have varying requirements. Some may have a minimum loan amount, while others may have a maximum loan limit. Generally, French banks follow the principle that the total of your mortgage payments plus any other debts or rent should not exceed one-third of your gross monthly income.

Loan calculators are helpful tools if you’re considering taking out a loan. With mortgage calculators, you can explore your monthly repayments for different amounts, repayment periods, and interest rates. This information can help you decide how much you can afford to borrow and how much you’ll need to pay back.

Please remember that the example provided is based on averages, so make sure to adjust it according to your needs.

How do loan calculators work?

By simply providing a few essential details, such as the loan amount, interest rate, and tenure, you can easily understand the monthly repayment amount and the overall cost of the loan.

It’s a great tool to help you plan and budget for your new home!

All you need to do is enter the property price, the deposit you can put down, the interest rate, and the loan duration. Then, just press calculate.

You can use the following free tools to calculate your estimated monthly payments and how much you can borrow:

Important note: These calculators are for guidance only. They do not constitute an offer and do not take into account your personal eligibility for a loan. Calculations by this tool are not guaranteed. They are provided for you to use only as an approximate indicator.

Always use the mortgage calculator as a guide, not a definitive answer. Consult with financial professionals to delve deeper into the nuances of your specific situation.
It would be wise to consult a mortgage specialist for an accurate mortgage quotation.

Exploring Different Scenarios

One of the primary benefits of a digital mortgage calculator is its adaptability. Don’t limit yourself to just one scenario. Play around with different inputs. What if you opt for a longer loan term? How would a larger down payment affect monthly repayments? How much more can you save if you secure a slightly lower interest rate?

When you adjust these variables, you’ll have a clearer picture of what’s possible, and you can determine which scenarios match your financial comfort and long-term goals.

Mortgage calculators are fantastic tools to help you start your mortgage journey. Nonetheless, keep in mind that they only give you an estimate. It’s always a good idea to double-check the results with a financial advisor to ensure you’re on the right track.

Using a mortgage calculator to its fullest potential isn’t just about plugging in numbers and accepting the outcome. It’s about exploring different scenarios, understanding your broader financial situation, and seeking professional guidance to ensure you make the most informed decision possible.

Mortgage calculator categories

Principal Loan Amount

This is the initial amount you borrow to buy your property. It’s the price of the home without any added interest. Your interest and other fees are calculated on this base amount.

Interest Rate

This percentage reflects what the lender charges you for borrowing the money. The interest rate is crucial because it significantly affects how much you will ultimately pay back in addition to the borrowed amount. It’s vital to compare fixed rates (which stay the same throughout the loan) and variable rates (which can change), especially if you’re getting a mortgage in France.

Down Payment

This is the amount of money you pay in advance when you buy a home. It’s part of the house’s total price, but you pay it upfront to secure the purchase. Your mortgage will cover the rest of the house cost.

Loan Tenure/Term

This is the total time you have to pay back the mortgage, commonly ranging from 15 to 25 years in France. The length of your loan affects your monthly payments: a shorter term means you pay more each month but less interest overall, whereas a longer term means lower monthly payments but more interest over time.

Additional Fees or Charges

These are extra costs associated with getting a mortgage in France, such as application fees, property valuation fees, and fees for paying off your loan early. These additional charges should be considered to understand the total cost of your loan.

Some mortgage calculators let you include these fees in their estimates to give you a better idea of what you’ll need to pay.

Always remember, the goal isn’t just to secure a mortgage; it’s to do so in a way that aligns with your financial health and long-term aspirations.

Useful resources

Service-Public – French government website with information on real estate credit

National Agency for Housing Information (L’Agence Nationale pour l’Information sur le Logement – ANIL) – information and advice on various French housing and property issues

Notaires.fr – official website of French notaries

European Directory of Notaries 

Similar to mortgage calculators, you can also use these simulators/calculators to get a better idea of the value of your property.


Please note: This article does not constitute legal advice – the information on this page has been prepared solely for your information. As we are not a law firm and act as a platform, we can and may share our estimations, but we cannot give you legal advice for your individual further proceedings.


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